The beloved comedian Dimitar Rachkov returns on air with a brand new entertainment show every Sunday evening, on NOVA. 

Rachkov’s Forbidden Show is the latest production that NOVA presents to viewers every Sunday from 20:00 to 22:30. Each episode of the show has a specific topic and gathers all points of view with the typical sense of humour, various sketches and celebrity guests who embark on unexpected challenges, musical performances and many surprises. The Rachkov’s Forbidden Show has a house band with leader Raffi Boghosyan, who is also the music producer of the show.

The first premiere episode has been aired on March 7, 2021.

The producer of the show is Global Frame, a subsidiary of Global Group. The producers of “Rachkov’s Forbidden Show” are the brothers Magy and Judy Halvadjian and the head writer is Ivan Angelov.